

  • Ángeles Cancela Carral

Quality Coordinator

  • Juan Picos Martín

Degree Coordinators

  • Jose Manuel Casas (Bachelor’s Degree in Forestry Engineering)

Centre Administration Head

  • Mª Purificación Sánchez Aias

Responsible for economic affairs

  • Ana Castro Vaamonde

Equality Liaison Officer

  • Ángeles Cancela Carral

Representative of the teaching staff

  • Óscar González Prieto
  • Henrique Lorenzo Cimadevila

Representative of the students

  • Carlos Peco Costas (titular) / Pablo Rodriguez Martínez (suplente)

Representative of the ASS

  • Luís Torres Vázquez

Representative of the graduated students

  • Montse Rodriguez Ogea

Representative of the society

  • Carlos Otero

Area of teaching and quality

  • Raquel Gandón Chapela



Minutes Summary