Availability and adequacy of the facilities and resources
The spaces for students to work and study, as well as the necessary facilities for them to develop their tasks, are the right ones in amount and quality regarding the number of students and the programmed activities to develop according to the Teaching Programme.
In addition to that, there are enough spaces and facilities to develop and coordinate the academic and administrative and service duties.
Lecture Rooms
In the following table you can find the relation of teaching classrooms in the centre:
Lecture rooms | Total | In tests arrangement |
1 | 65 | 35 |
2 | 65 | 35 |
3 | 65 | 35 |
4 | 104 | 56 |
5 | 104 | 56 |
6 | 104 | 56 |
7 | 104 | 56 |
8 | 104 | 56 |
9 | 104 | 56 |
The relation of teaching and researching laboratories in the School of Forestry Engineering is the following:
- Physics Laboratory
- Topography Laboratory
- Edaphology Laboratory
- Electrical Engineering Laboratory
- Xylenergetics Laboratory
- Fires Laboratory
- Forest Hydraulics and Hydrology Laboratory
- Mechanical Engineering Laboratory
- Cellulose, Pulp and Paper Laboratory.
- Ecology Laboratory
- Chemical Engineering Laboratory
- Plant Production Laboratory
- Use of Forests Laboratory
- Projects Laboratory
- IT Laboratory
- Forestry and restocking Laboratory
- Dasometry and Forest Management Laboratory – Environmental Engineering Laboratory
- Silviculture Laboratory
- Cartographic Engineering Laboratory
In addition to the usual laboratories, these are the complementary spaces in the school:
- Computer rooms: Two rooms with a total of 50 computer stations. These spaces are supplemented by different open access computer rooms in other campus premises to which students from any degree can access.
- Xyloteca: In this space you can find a wood collection, prepared for teaching, but also as a place to visit for citizens in order to disseminate the wealth of the forestry sector and at the same time as an educational space for educational centres willing to visit us.
- Wood Workshop: With equipment like industrial saws, band saws, planers, industrial dryers, industrial varnishing equipment, numerical control machine. Currently, it is undergoing a certification process to prepare vocational training teachers.
- Xiloenergetics pilot plant: with chipper (500 kg/h), briquetting machine and feeder (100kg/h) and pelletizer (600 kg/h).
The External Evaluation for the Accreditation Renewal Report in April, 2016, includes among the strengths of the degree, “The material resources and services to develop the degree are enough regarding nature, type of degree, number of enrolled students and competences to acquire by them”.
Through the recommendations of the External Evaluation for the Accreditation Renewal Report and of the report on the Feasibility Plan, the Centre’s Quality Committee decided to make an analyse to improve the Wood and Cellulose Laboratories, enhancing the laboratory provision substantially.
Other equipment
- Classrooms: There are three classrooms in the school with mobile partitions which enable their union depending on the needs. These multi-purpose spaces can be used, among others, to work in teams.
- Assembly Hall: There is an Assembly Hall with 350 seats with a moving wall which enables its division into two halls of 180 seats. This hall, due to its capacity is usually used in institutional events in the Campus.
- Meeting Room/Conference Room: The building has a 50 seats capacity room which is used as a conference room and as a meeting room.
- Library service: The central Library in the Campus of Pontevedra offers the facilities of the Faculty of Social and Communication Sciences and it is 25 metres from the School. It is a general service available for students, academic staff and general staff from the University of Vigo. Its objective is to manage and make available for the University community a set of information resources and services as support to their learning, teaching and researching activities.
- Other material resources: In addition to the infrastructures and resources in particular teaching and learning spaces there are different materials that can be used by teachers and students during their activities in the centre. The use of this material is controlled by the School Concierge services by means of an established system which includes the users’ commitment to an adequate use. The available material is: laptops, digital projectors, video players, monitors, ladders, connexion wires, etc.
- Wireless connection: The University of Vigo has a wireless connection which reaches all the centres of the Campus. This connection was designed to work with the more used operation systems. This wire is prepared for the standard 801.11 b (11 Mbps) and 802.11 g (54 Mbps) and 802.11 N (in some places), so it will work with any type of card.
- Cafeteria and catering services: There is a cafeteria in the centre. In addition to that, there are coffee, drinks and food machines, available for the whole community. On the other hand, there is discretionary drinking water.
On-line teaching service (FAITIC)
FAITIC is a initiative of the Vice-chancellor of Innovation and Quality of the University of Vigo, developed though the Information and Communication Technologies Area (ATIC), which aims to be a complementary service to teaching, based in internet as environment and is directed, on the one hand, to teaching staff, students and administrative and service staff and, on the other hand, to preuniversity students who are thinking about studying in this university.
As an added value, this service has turned in a useful tool to face the challenges regarding the convergence to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) or the use of new information and communication technologies (ICT) in the university teaching.