The Mentoring Action Programme (MAP) of the School of Forestry Engineering contains a set of actions that aims to facilitate the integration of the students in the university life and to meet their educational and informative demands.

It means to go beyond the traditional model of university education, only worried about the knowledge transmission, and to go for a model which also includes the socio-educative functions, based on reciprocal relations, and in the interactions mentor-students, students-students, etc. It aims for, ultimately, the personal development, and not only the academic development.

The plan is to consolidate a mentoring action line coherent with the students needs, normalising the different actions and achieving an adequate balance between the students expectations and the objectives gathered in the European Higher Education Area framework.

The Mentoring Action Programme directly directs to the guarantee and adequacy in the teaching, learning and evaluating methods, the students competences acquisition, the attention to diversity, the orientation towards learning, the orientation towards gender equality…etc., which can be found in the Degree Reports and in the centre Quality Guarantee System.


Mentoring Action Programme 2024/2025

Mentors assignation (at the beginning of the academic year)


Coordination of the Mentoring Action Plan

Ángeles Cancela Carral

+34 986 801 939

Previous year

Assigned mentors
2023/2024 | 2022/2023 | 2021/2022 | 2020/2021 | 2019/2020 | 2018/2019 | 2017/2018 | 2016/2017 | 2015/2016 | 2014/2015