Quality Policy

The Quality Policy of the centre arises from the importance of consolidating a quality culture in the university area, so it is considered as a strategic factor to succeed on having the competences, abilities and skills of the graduated students recognised in their academic, professional and social fields. To achieve this, there is a commitment of using all the available human and material resources within the following of the fulfilment of the current regulation, following the criteria and the established guidelines.

Hereby are the following general guidelines of the centre quality policy:

  • To keep an education offer in tune with the needs and expectations of the society, in order to consolidate high quality levels in the degrees, without renouncing the academic foundations of universality based on the development of knowledge of critical spirit, of analytical and reflection capacities.
  • To achieve the national and international acknowledge of teaching quality through the achievement of the associated goals and the academic indicators, being especially relevant those related with the satisfaction of the stakeholders.
  • To provide the continuous training for our workers, according to their respective activities, and to facilitate the necessary knowledges for them to develop their activity towards the satisfaction of our users’ needs.
  • To ensure the implementation, development and monitoring of the Quality Guarantee System and the processes linked to the quality which affect the centre and its degrees.
  • To ensure a teaching, research, management and knowledge transfer with gender perspective to remove the barriers which prevent a real equality between women and men.
  • To take a permanent commitment with the continuous improvement as a behaviour rule, and to propose the necessary actions to keep and improve quality.


Quality Policy and Objectives