Students applying for a study period at the Faculty of Forestry Engineering should have sufficient knowledge of Spanish to follow lectures.

In addition to the prescriptive application procedure published by the International Relations Office of the University of Vigo, a form with details of the proposed study programme, properly filled in on a computer, has to be mailed to:

Escuela de Ingeniería Forestal
Campus Universitario de Pontevedra
36005 Pontevedra, Spain

 Application form


Information on the Study Programme of the Forestry Engineering Degree can be found here:

 Study program


Description of the courses

Courses of the two orientations of the Forestry Engineering Degree do not coincide if they belong to one specific study year (1st, 2nd…), otherwise, the timetable schedule, which is published the preceding July, has to be considered.

Exchange students at the Escuela de Ingeniería Forestal can complete their study programme with courses in other schools and colleges of Universidad de Vigo.

In this case the respective coordinators have to be contacted.